1949 - 2021

Born in Sunshine and schooled at the ‘Old Bluestone Pile’ through to his final year of 1967, Br Denis Moore dedicated his life to education - most significantly as the longest-serving Principal in Parade College history (1995-2019) and the last of the Christian Brothers to officiate in that capacity.

The Parade College we see today, across both the Bundoora and Preston sites, is testimony to Br Denis' vision. His great joy was to see more than 6000 young men pass through the College gates in pursuit of their careers.

For those fortunate to have encountered Br Denis in any capacity, his model of faith and spirituality, quiet demeanour, experience, wisdom, perceptiveness and wry sense of humour are a ready reminder that the focus of his life, the education of young men within an educational setting imbued by Gospel Spirituality and the charism of Blessed Edmund Rice, was sufficient inspiration for a life of service.

It has been said of Dr Moore that Catholic education in the Edmund Rice tradition has not had a more faithful son.

Inducted 2019