The College hosted a lovely gathering for mothers who served as members of the Ladies Auxiliary where, over the years, their service has been recognised with Life Membership. Around 40 ladies attended a delightful high tea.

College Principal, Mark Aiello, welcomed the ladies back to the College. Many of the women present had been on the Auxiliary when Mark started as a student at Parade in the mid-1980s. Members of the College Leadership team, Vice Principal Mary Dourios, and HR Manager Doreen Cutajar also enjoyed the day.

Six Year 9 students, who are part of the College's Community Action Team, worked the event. Many guests voiced their appreciation of the hospitality displayed and were impressed with our student volunteers, who were both welcoming and helpful. 

Many in the room had served as President of the Auxiliary. Some wonderful friendships were formed during their time at the College, and the occasion allowed an opportunity to catch up with old friends. Life Member and Past President Anne Kerr referred to her time on the Auxiliary as "the best of times," a sentiment shared by many in the room.

Jenine Fogarty, the College Development Manager, presented an overview of the College Development Office and its role at the College. Beth Henry, the President of Parents of Parade (PoP), talked about what PoP has been engaged in and its plans.

We also inducted the latest Life Member inductees, Marie Harrison and Clare Love. Marie was supposed to be inducted before COVID, so it was a pleasure to acknowledge her outstanding service at the High Tea. Her son, Mark, finished at the College with Mark Aiello in 1990. Clare's service to the College extended over the 10 years her sons Noel and Mark were at the College until 2020. We were pleased to properly acknowledge and thank them for their service. Past President and Life Member, Sarita Watson, presented both ladies with a trophy and flowers for their induction.

Special thanks to the College Canteen, SOGGIES, our Year 9 Community Action students, and the Development Office Team for their contribution to making the event so enjoyable.